Offer Flow & Payment Process

Brand Creates an Offer

When a Brand creates an offer, they will be prompted to approve a USDC allowance for the Tunnl Smart Contract which covers the total value of the offer plus all fees. The Brand must have a sufficient USDC balance in their wallet on the Base blockchain, else they will be unable to create the offer.

Note that a Brand is able to withdraw an offer as long as it has not yet been accepted by the Creator. However, after an offer is accepted, it can only be cancelled by the Creator.

Creator Accepts or Rejects an Offer

After a Brand notifies the Creator about the offer sent to them, Creators can then login to Tunnl to review the requirements and payment amount. Creators can choose to accept the offer before the acceptance expiration date, or reject the offer which will render it cancelled.

When the offer is accepted, the flat fee is charged which covers any gas or API costs incurred by Tunnl. This flat fee will not be refunded in the event of offer cancellation or expiration. The remaining balance is locked in escrow by the Tunnl Smart Contract until the offer is successfully completed, cancelled or expires.

If a Creator rejects an offer before acceptance, this shall lead to no charges and the Brand's USDC allowance is automatically renounced.

Creators can cancel offers at any time after acceptance as long as the offer is not yet completed or expired. In this case, the Brand will receive a full refund, minus the flat fee.

Learn more about payments and fees here: Understanding Payments & Fees

Creator Submits Post Content for AI Draft Verification

After the Creator accepts the offer, they are requested to submit the post content to the draft verification text box, where the content of the post is judged by the 3rd party LLM. This allows the Creator to have an idea of whether the post meets their client's (brand's) requirements thoroughly. After successful draft verification, the user is now allowed to submit a URL to the post on X. This is added in the next step.

Creator Submits their Post Link

After Creator successfully passes the AI Draft Verification , they are required to submit the link to their post which meets all offer requirements within 24 hours of accepting. Note here, a Creator must make their post only after they accept the offer and have passed Draft AI Verification.

If a creator fails to submit a valid post within that time, they are no longer able to complete the offer. After the offer expires (4 days after the original acceptance date), the Brand will receive a full refund, minus the flat fee.

If a Creator submits an invalid post, they will be given 2 more attempts to submit a new post that meets the requirements. Note that edits are not supported. Any post that has been edited will be invalid.

Find more details about this process here: Accepting & Completing an Offer

Creator Awaits Verification

After successful submission, the verification of the post is automatically triggered after the post has been live for at least 60 minutes. Onchain verification is delayed until the post has been live for 60 minutes to ensure it can no longer be edited.

If the Creator's post passes the onchain AI verification check, the offer will become 'Active'. Note that any edits will cause onchain verification to fail.

Learn more about the AI verification process here: AI Post Verification

If there is any dispute about the AI verification outcome, either the Brand or Creator must contact Tunnl within 24 hours of the post being submitted and request a manual review

Creator Receives Payout

Once an offer is 'Active', the Creator is eligible to receive payment. Payment is automatically sent 4 days after the Creator originally accepted the offer, provided their post is still live and publicly visible.

Last updated